4/12/2024 Islamic Socialism: A Globally Suppressed Islamic Resistance Movement By: Islamic Socialism (ML)Read NowFrom 1917 Russia to Today; The multiple movements, defining the ideology, and how the movement has been attacked by Wahhabism & the CIA First Mention of Islamic Socialism: Islamic Socialism started officially in the early 1900’s Russia during the time of increasing hostility towards the Tsar; and not for no reason either. Many Muslims of Russia and lands Russia imperialized was constantly being attacked by the Tsar and Church under the orders of the Tsar. The objective was to force the Muslims to pay taxes for their own oppression and convert to Christianity and loyalty to the Tsar. Many Muslims announced themselves as Islamic Socialists who support the Bolsheviks and refused to pay taxes or abide by the orders of the Tsar. This strengthened the fraternal ties the Muslims and Bolsheviks had and led to Muslims being directly involved in the Revolution. After which the Soviet Government announced republics specifically for the Muslim populations where they could live in accordance to their beliefs and values; such as the Azerbaijan People's Republic, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, and the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. Many of the historical revisionists and reactionaries who have taken over much of the Muslim spaces today would try to argue the Soviets forced atheism on the Muslims, while there can be an argument to such, atheism was the established value of Soviet Government, not on the specific republics. Not to mention that the Soviet Union, like all states or unions of states, was not perfect nor could it be. It was more revolutionary and progressive for humanity and the Muslims than the violent and extremely anti-Islamic state of Tsarist Russia, but it was not without its faults. But to show the respect the Soviet government had for the Muslims, there is two quotes from the Soviet Government & Stalin: "We are told that among the Daghestan peoples the Sharia is of great importance. We have also been informed that the enemies of Soviet power are spreading rumours that it has banned the Sharia. I have been authorized by the Government of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic to state here that these rumours are false. The Government of Russia gives every people the full right to govern itself on the basis of its laws and customs. The Soviet Government considers that the Sharia, as common law, is as fully authorized as that of any other of the peoples inhabiting Russia. If the Daghestan people desire to preserve their laws and customs, they should be preserved." -Address by Stalin at the Congress of the Peoples of Daghestan November 13, 1920; under section 1. Declaration on Soviet Autonomy for Daghestan “Muslims of Russia…all you whose mosques and prayer houses have been destroyed, whose beliefs and customs have been trampled upon by the tsars and oppressors of Russia: your beliefs and practices, your national and cultural institutions are forever free and inviolate. Know that your rights, like those of all the peoples of Russia, are under the mighty protection of the revolution…” -To all the Muslim workers of Russia and the East’, issued by the Soviet government on 24 November 1917 It is important to mention however, the early Islamic Socialists of the USSR was differing and varying in positions and values across the region; with Daghestan Muslims being much more firm to Islamic values and beliefs in relation to their socialist values. It is these brothers and sisters that, in my opinion, lead by example in terms of early Islamic Socialism. However all forms of Islamic Socialism was often more economically and socially revolutionary than what the Muslim lands struggle with since the fall of the Ottomans, and especially since the end of the 1990’s. Islamic Socialist Movements, The Spread of the Beliefs, Defining an Ideology: The Muslim world has a complex history and, as of the last 200 years, has fallen into division and violence due to European colonialism and American imperialism. The violence that dominates the middle east, along with the rest of the Muslim states, especially in places like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and so on; they are results of nationalism (and its byproducts), capitalism, imperialism, and especially the centuries long effects of colonialism. This is the primary reason for the rise of Islamic Socialism as one of many forms of resistance movements. Along side it is others such as the Pan-Arab movement, the Shia resistance, and anti-Wahhabist movement. In some areas these other resistance movements often either intersect or fight on common grounds with the Islamic Socialist movements. It is because of this long history of resistance that Arab & Muslim resistance groups are often very dialectical, even arguably more so than their Marxist counter-parts; as they fully understand the interconnected and historical relations of their struggle against the oppressors and enemies of Allah. However unlike their Marxist counter-parts, many of which atheist, anti-imperialist and Muslim socialists are often deeply religious. It is stressed the term “movements” as the one issue of Islamic Socialism is it never had a defined specific ideology, it is an umbrella term that extends across multiple movements of similar but specific common positions. Such movements, groups & figures as Nasserism (Pan-Arab, Arab Socialism), Ba’athism, the Lebanese Liberation group known as Hezbollah, Gaza’s PFLP & DFLP, & Gaddafi of Libya. These movements come about because the study of the Quran and Sunnah make clear that Islam stresses a socially & financially revolutionary relation to society. A relation that is largely hated by capitalism, as capitalism itself hates religion unless religion can be commodified, thus undoing its religious values. Islam is specific in opposition to this, as Islam stresses collectivism, Zakat (charity), opposition to wealth hoarding, opposes credit (interest) in all forms, and opposes intoxications. Areas where capitalism is the most profitable and in many cases upheld by said areas. However while some movements, groups or figures may not compare with the rest on that interest specifically, what they all share in common is anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-zionism, and collectivism. The point of this article is to lightly cover the history and define a more specific analysis of Islamic Socialism. One that ties back to the original Islamic Socialists. This is to begin a process, with future pieces defining and detailing more in depth, defining a more Islam centered - socialist analysis of the modern world and its conditions and the correct path to a new Islamic society that regulates the new conditions accordingly without sacrificing our Islamic values and duties; or giving into backwards and hypocritical secularism that is incompatible with Muslim majority lands. There has been very few Islamic figures to talk about this topic, however Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl is one who studied and came up with 5 specific elements in which Islam and Marxism share in common:
These points are absolutely true, but I would like to add to that as well. Something that should have been included in the above points was the fact Islam, socialism and Marxism stress an importance of opposing oppression. Islamic history is no stranger to oppression, since it dealt with it from the days of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the Kings of Mecca who opposed him and attacked the Muslims, all the way to today. And even worse so today for the last 200 years of Islamic history has shown some of the worse oppression against Muslims possible. Largely in part due to European/American imperialism and colonialism, but also due to the traitorous behavior of right-wing Islam. Right-wing Islam, known as Wahhabism and Salafism, promoted with the help of the CIA and Europeans. They played a part in colonizing the Muslim lands, aiding western imperialism, and attacking the resistance forces that rose against all of the western oppression. Why, for specifically Muslims, Islamic Socialism? While all resistance groups are substantially better for the Muslims, Islamic Socialism is stressed as the answer for our modern conditions because it stems from the first ever Islamic Socialists of the Russian Revolution of 1917, who believed, as Vijay Prashad put it: "The promise of equality and humanity was not going to be established merely spiritually" Prashad is right and in Islam there is multiple Hadith's and Ayats stating to not simply pray for the end of oppression, but act against oppression as well. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one.” People asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "By preventing him from oppressing others." -Sahih al-Bukhari 2444 Islam is not simply peace, but peace and justice. We have lost this truth in today’s age of liberalization and hostility to political Islam. Islam DEMANDS peace and justice; and if not obtained and oppression is forced on us, we stand up as is the duty of every Muslim. Islam is a revolutionary religion through and through. "the believers have been sent for the betterment of mankind, that they will promote what is good, and prevent what is wrong" -Quran (3:110) The Muslims have a duty by Allah to forbid what is wrong, protect our community, and promote what is good. To not tolerate oppression upon our community or upon innocent people. This alone is a truth that can be found in our Quran and literature and immediately destroys the liberalization of Islam that many have been engaged in. This is our responsibility. So to fight for your ummah is nothing less than the task of a Muslim. And to fight against capitalism, with its core being oppression of workers for profit; and to promote haram commodities and actions, especially individualism at the cost of collective welfare. To fight against this is our duty as Islamic Socialists. If we was to be inspired by the early Islamic Socialists, and define our beliefs and values, let it be: We are Islamic Socialists because we are, as the name is organized, Muslims first and socialists second. Our main beliefs are that Allah is one and that Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger. Second to that is opposition to capitalism, which has burdened humanity with oppression through the most wicked and haram (forbidden) means. To oppose capitalism is no less than to fight in the cause of Allah. There is no equal status that can be maintained between an economic oppressor and an economic oppressed, the only answer is an Islamic Socialist society following Sharia. A state for the Muslims that follows in accordance to Sharia and opposes a financial minority growing off the backs of the majority through social revolution and the regulation by a religious vanguard. Especially one that is tied to and follows the guidance of the Sheikhs (Muslim scholar, elder) with the collaborative input of the young adult Muslims who bring an understanding of new conditions to their attention. Without regulating these conditions, the power vacuum opens for men of extreme wealth and hard hearts to influence and dominate a society and undermine its religious values and/or duties. As members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has stated before; Those of the organization saw no contradiction in going to prayer before going to Lenin reading circles. It's because they understood "we have to look for the socialism in our own horizon." This same sentiment should be strong with us as well, as we must look for the socialism in our horizon, understanding our community's conditions and uniting them regardless of their sect. Especially uniting all the resistance movements into one powerful coalition for liberation of the Muslim lands. Of the many successful movements in the Muslim lands, be them Islamic Socialist, Pan-Arab, etc. There has been clear losses we have had that largely stem from our previous lack of unity that is now being fixed by multipolarity and the efforts of a united anti-western, anti-imperialist coalition. These losses also stemmed from Muslims being propagandized by the west or by brothers with good intentions but lack of analysis; in that losses like Gaddafi’s Libya and brutal attacks on Syria could have been greatly adverted or at least minimized if the resistance groups didn’t have the strong anti-Marx & anti-Lenin positions they did. Thankfully I feel that is changing to some extent. However this lack of analysis on capitalism & imperialism from these great minds is what led to Libya being diplomatic to the point of its own detriment by giving up its nuclear program. And Syria not securing economic power over the economy sooner and kicking out any western NGO’s or forces that later created the lunatic Wahhabist groups of the Free Syrian Army and others. Not to criticize Syria too harshly as I know it’s been struggling economically years before the civil war; but Muslims shouldn’t shy away from these great minds simply because we disagreed with their positions on faith; being wrong about a few topics doesn’t mean everything else you say is wrong. Much of Marx and Lenin’s analysis on capitalism and imperialism was and still is the most accurate break downs of the system we all fight, and its dialectical analysis can further help the Axis of Resistance push effectively against the imperialist coalition. So, for the Islamic Socialists, we should study Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and many of those they inspired without needing to agree with them on everything; only what is apparent and most logically accurate given our current conditions. As socialist/Marxist analysis is not a dogma, and it not there to be applied as such. Similarly, Socialism is also not an all encompassing system that deals with all issues across the board. It is an economic and political system; social issues and religious topics vary greatly across national conditions. Which is why socialism looks different in China, Cuba, DPRK, Vietnam, etc. Marxism-Leninism, which has the most advanced analysis of modern day capitalism, imperialism and fascism, is not a radically extreme or completely incompatible analysis to study from the Islamic point of view.
These are not extreme concepts and honestly would greatly improve the Muslim communities if applied in accordance to Islamic values.
These 3 components would not only secure Muslim countries from continued aggression of foreign, often western nations; it would return them back to a state of dignity as it would put the power back into the hands of the populace and especially the true religious members of the community who will finally return their nation back to Islamic justice. The Beginning of the Global Suppression: Islamic Socialism was taking Muslim intellectual circles by storm between the 1950’s and early 1970’s. It was around this time, specifically in 05/14/1952 a publication was documented by the CIA titled “Proposal to Unite Democratic Nations and Islamic World into an Anti-Communist Force.” What this piece detailed is how the CIA came to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and urged them to export their version of right-wing Islam (Today referred to as Wahhabism) funded by their oil funds and guided by CIA strategy. It is because of this why “Sheikhs” who are on Saudi payroll and fear death by the KSA have came out so firmly against Socialism and Communism and ironically parrot the same talking points against rivals of the US, Israel and NATO. It is also because of this why Wahhabist groups and violence involving them has dominated over much of Muslim communities. From Pakistan being a major hub for their radicalization, to the Chechen Wars, to the civil war in Syria, to the overthrow of Gaddafi; everywhere violence has poured out from within Muslim communities, most often time it involved the perversion of Islamic beliefs by the Wahhabist propaganda the KSA has peddled into the world. The CIA coming to the KSA about this goal is not random, in fact one of the most prominent Islamic Socialist movements of its time, Nasserism, was dominating in Egypt during this time. Shortly after the CIA came to the KSA, the 1952 Egyptian Revolution took place in July which put Mohamed Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser in direct positions of power over a major country. Another prominent movement, Ba’athism, an Arab-Nationalist ideology which believes in a unified Arab state through the leadership of a vanguard party over a socialist revolutionary government, was created in 1947. There was also Gaddafi in Libya who came into power in 1969. Saddam (Iraqi Ba’athist party) in 1979 in Iraq. There is also the two resistance groups in Gaza, the Marxist-Leninist (also Pan-Arab and Maoist) DFLP created in 1968, and the Marxist-Leninist PFLP created in 1967. So this isn’t that small of an ideology for the CIA to be worried about, it was and still is a significant collection of movements in the resistance against western imperialism and capitalist colonization. Not only does many of these groups still exist, but new power players have joined the fight such as Assad of Syria (Syrian Ba’ath Party) and the Lebanese Liberation movement called Hezbollah. We can have our criticisms on some of these figures, but they are nonetheless still part of the umbrella of Islamic Socialist or Arab resistance movements. Why the need for this suppression? Because the west knows for a fact that a united front between the Muslims and socialists would be the end of their global imperialist and colonial domination over Muslim lands. Similarly, their lapdog traitors of the KSA and similar puppet governments would lose all political control and wealth extraction/hoarding if the masses of their nations and surrounding territories would rise against them demanding an Islamic government that represents them and protects their interests. What also did not help with this suppression was certain countries & figures, like the lunatic Hoxha railing against religious communities, and other socialist movements pushing anti-theism. A issue that the socialist, especially westerners, commonly do. Thankfully this practice for the most part has been abandoned in current Socialist states, however western propaganda and NGO’s established to do what the CIA use to more covertly (like the National Endowment for Democracy) still pushes narratives that this isn’t the case. This is why the Islamic Socialist movement can not be too trusting with all socialist groups, as even socialists aren’t with different tendencies. The Islamic Socialists need to only work with and trust fellow socialists who will allow them a equal say and a authority over their communities. Sovereignty on all matters, united by the primary goals of anti-imperialism and national liberation. The Chinese do this well as is shown by recent fraternal ties with the Houthis and Gaza resistance forces. This goes for the rest of the resistance movements as well; we can only advance as a movement for liberation with unity of other liberation movements. That means any forces who share the common positions of anti-imperialism, anti-zionism, anti-fascism, collectivism & national liberation should be built alongside as long as we respect each others role in the fight. Similarly, and they are great role models for us in this regard, as the Gaza resistance and how they operate through the Joint Operations; I say role models because you have multiple resistance forces in Gaza who are Communist, Arab-Nationalist, Palestinian Nationalist, Islamic, and so on, fighting side by side as one agency. If they can fight in unity, we should be able to as well. The Future: Until we can reconcile our past and not repeat the same mistakes, we will always struggle in our objective for a free Muslim world. The movements that are successful today in fighting against the west and its puppet governments have similar values to or are Islamic Socialist (even if they differ greatly). Not only does the Islamic Socialist movements need intellectuals and theoreticians; it needs a more defined set of economic values, structural framework, deep Islamic religious values, and strategic path to victory over the puppet governments and western imperialist forces. The future is bright, but it will take everyone in this fight to make it obtainable. AuthorThis article was produced by Islamic Socialist (ML). Archives April 2024
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